
EGR 190L – Design to Deliver (D2D) 
Spring 2019   Design POD (LSRC)
Thursdays: 1:00 - 6:30PM


Dr. Sophia Santillan                                        Dr. Ann Saterbak                            
187 Hudson Hall                                             1389 FCIEMAS
Office hours by appointment                          Office hours by appointment


Students work in a team to apply the engineering design process to complete an open-ended, client-based problem drawn from a community partner.  
Course objectives
Students should learn to:
  1. Apply the engineering design process to meet the needs of a client.  
  2. Iteratively prototype a solution using tools and materials appropriate to the solution.
  3. Work collaboratively on a team to design an engineering solution.
  4. Develop sophisticated prototyping and troubleshooting skills.

Course outcomes

Students completing the course should be able to:
  1. Successfully solve a client-based design challenge by following necessary steps in the engineering design process. 
  2. Develop proficiency to safely use several prototyping strategies or tools.
  3. Work collaboratively on an engineering team to complete an engineering design project.
  4. Develop peer-critiquing skills.     
  5. Use a Gantt chart to manage the project.


Course Assignment and Schedule
            Due dates for assignments, activities and other deliverables are listed in Table 1.  All submitted assignments should represent the understanding and decisions made by the entire team.
Table 1. Assignments and Due Dates.  




Jan 11

Class Day 1

Review syllabus, example Project Plans

Meet with team

Schedule meeting with client to review goals

Discuss Team Contract

Begin work on Project Plan #1

Jan 16

Submit to Sakai

Draft Project Plan #1 

Draft Team Contract

Jan 18

Class Day 2

Review Project Plan #1 with instructor

Receive feedback on Team Contract

Prototyping, testing

Jan 19

Submit to Sakai

Final Project Plan #1 

Final Team Contract

Jan 25

Class Day 3

Prototyping, testing

Peer review session

Feb 1

Class Day 4

Prototyping, testing

Feb 8

Class Day 5

Project Plan #1 evaluation

Prototyping, testing

Due: CATME 1

Feb 13

Submit to Sakai

Submit draft Project Plan #2 

Feb 15

Class Day 6

Review Project Plan #2 with instructor

Prototyping, testing

Feb 16

Submit to Sakai

Submit final Project Plan #2

Feb 22

Class Day 7

Prototyping, testing

Peer review session

Mar 1

Class Day 8

Prototyping, testing

Due: Decision re: Written Documentation assignment

Mar 8

Class Day 9

Project Plan #2 evaluation

Prototyping, testing

Due: CATME #2

Spring Break

Mar 20

Submit to Sakai

Draft Project Plan #3 

Mar 22

Class Day 10

Review Project Plan #3 with instructor

Prototyping, testing

Mar 23

Submit to Sakai

Final Project Plan #3 

Mar 29

Class Day 11

Prototyping, testing

Peer review session

Apr 5

Class Day 12

Prototyping, testing

Apr 12

Class Day 13

Prototyping, testing

Project Plan #3 evaluation

Apr 19

Class Day 14

Submit to Sakai

Submit to MakeSEA

Video, CATME #3 

Written Documentation

Project Summary (Video, Images, Documentation, etc.)



Project Plans

            Project Plans will form the basis for developing and executing work in the class.  These documents will be developed by the team and will list specific goals that the team will accomplish during each of the cycles.  Goals can include (but are not limited to): research, meetings (with clients, potential users, technical experts, etc.), ordering, learning new prototyping methods, hand-drawings, CAD designs, decision making (e.g., Pugh matrices), brainstorming ideas, prototyping specific features or design blocks, testing against a design criteria, completing a design block, integration of design blocks, testing with potential users, replication of a final solution, implementation of the design, and follow-up after implementation.  In addition to the goals, the team will list the method used to evaluate success.  Teams will also assign a point value to each specific goal, which will total 100 points for each cycle. 

            There will be three cycles of Project Plans (Jan 11-Feb 8; Feb 9-Mar 8; Mar 9-Apr 12).  For each cycle, the team will submit a thoughtful draft on Tuesday, which will be reviewed by the instructor before class on Thursday.  A final draft will be submitted on Friday.  Students will be expected to meet the established goals during the 4/5-week cycle.  

            On dates listed for Project Plan evaluations, the instructors will score the team (to 100 points total) for work completed during that cycle.  Students will be expected to have paperwork, prototypes, test results, etc. available for the instructors to evaluate.


       The video should report and demonstrate the features and functions of the final design solution.  The video should be 5-8 minutes long.

Written Documentation

            Each team will complete some written documentation for their project.  The nature of the assignment will vary and will be agreed upon by March 1.  The document should finalize the team’s design work, broadcast the work to a larger audience, and/or document information helpful to the client.  Some examples include a user’s manual, an abstract or conference proceedings for a local or national meeting, a grant submission to VentureWell, or a paper to a journal. A final project summary should be submitted on  This summary should include uploaded documentation, a project summary, and a visual presentation of the final project.

 Team Participation

            A team participation score will be given three times during the semester and will range from 0 to 100%.  The individual team participation grade is based on technical contribution, peer evaluation, instructor evaluation, self-evaluation, attendance, etc.  Peer evaluation will be formally evaluated using the CATME software.  The course instructors make the final decision about a student’s team participation score.  

Time Management

            Attendance and active engagement are expected of all students.  Design teams are expected to work in class (2 hours per week) and outside of class (3-4 hours per week).  For the half-credit course, students should work no less than 5 hours per week on the course.  Each member of the design team is expected to contribute equally to the project.  While types of contributions will vary, effort should be comparable.  It is also important that regular team requirements rotate.  For example, one person should not act as the recorder for every meeting nor should one person do all the prototyping; rather, everyone on the team should take turns with these roles.


            The final grade will be based on the percents shown in Table 2.  No late assignments will be accepted without permission of the instructors before the assignment is due.   Illness and family emergencies will be dealt with on an individual basis.  Individual and team grades on assignments that are turned in late will be reduced 25% per day (including weekends).  Students who fail to clean their workspace and check out through proper procedures will have deductions to their grade.  


Table 2. Calculation of Course Grade.  




% of Final Grade

Project Plans


Participation (CATME, evaluations, peer critiques, team contract)


Project Plan #1 evaluation


Project Plan #2 evaluation


Project Plan #3 evaluation


Video documentation of project


Written documentation 





POD Support

            The lab manager for the course is Murad Maksumov (  Students should consult him with questions related to working with POD lab equipment. Students are expected to follow all lab protocols and safety instructions outlined by the lab manager at all times.  Amanda Cyprowski ( is the coordinator for the course. Students should contact Murad or Amanda with any product orders or other administrative questions.  Amanda and Murad are integral to the course, and it is expected that students will respond to emails and other requests made by them.

Other Technical Support

            In order to successfully complete their project, teams are expected to consult with appropriate faculty, including course faculty, former technical mentors, and other faculty experts.  If teams anticipate that they will need the machine shop, one or more members should be trained during the first few weeks of school.  See the Duke Student Shop webpage and joinable Sakai course, Pratt Student Shop 17 18, for information.


Students with disabilities who believe they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact the Student Disability Access Office at (919) 668–1267 as soon as possible to better ensure that such accommodations can be implemented in a timely fashion.